National Indigenous Cultural Expo (N.I.C.E) is bringing the best of the best Indigenous culture through a national powwow, fiddle, jig, throat singing, and drum competition. At the same time there is a national Indigenous fashion show, showcasing all the indigenous designers of Canada and a Northern and Southern handgames tournament. NICE will be held every two years around September 30th (next one will be in 2020) there dates were specifically chosen as September 30th is National Orange T-shirt Day in Canada, stating that “Every Child Matters” and highlighting residential school history. Thus there will be orange special through powwow on the last day of NICE and each of the Indigenous designers will have an orange design in their runaway line of the fashion show. NICE 2018 was a fantastic event that drew over 7000 people internationally, NICE has become an event that no one will wants to miss.